How can I book an ad in Mathrubhumi under the Situation Wanted Section


ReleaseMyAd is an online newspaper ads booking agency and we only book ads for different Indian newspapers through our online portal. In order to know How to Book an ad in a newspaper of your choice through us, please take the help of our online Booking Tutorial at:

Should you like to book your Situation Wanted ad through us in Mathrubhumi, then please visit the following page: and select the edition/location as per your preference. You may also choose preferred packages or other combo discount offers that are suitable for you. 

As you choose the package or edition as per your preference, you are directed to the Compose Ad page, wherein you can create your own advertisement with the help of our online Sample Ads and ad enhancements like ticks, screen borders, colour highlights and even language translation. 

To confirm the booking of your classified advert, simply choose the preferred release dates and clear the payments for the same on the Make Payment page. You can clear your payment through our Online or Offline payment options which include Credit/Debit Cards, Net Banking, Cash Deposit, Cash Transfer, Cash Collection, Demand Draft or Cheque Deposits.





Related to: Mathrubhumi, Situation Wanted, How to Book Post date: 12/06/2013 - 12:47PM